- org.jdepend - package org.jdepend
jDependency is an API and application which allows to analyse Java packages.
- org.jdepend.action - package org.jdepend.action
Contain classes which are used for several actions on class directotries or jar files.
- org.jdepend.model - package org.jdepend.model
Contain the dependency model classes.
- org.jdepend.parser - package org.jdepend.parser
Parsers used in the application.
- org.jdepend.swing - package org.jdepend.swing
GUI classes for the application.
- org.jdepend.swing.actions - package org.jdepend.swing.actions
Contain GUI action classes for dependency checking in the swing application.
- org.jdepend.swing.dialogs - package org.jdepend.swing.dialogs
Contain GUI dialog classes for dependency checking in the swing application.
- org.jdepend.swing.model - package org.jdepend.swing.model
Contain the model for the swing application.
- org.jdepend.utils - package org.jdepend.utils
Several utilities classes to use with JDependency.
- org.jdepend.visitors - package org.jdepend.visitors
Contain classes which are used to visit several class directories or jar files.